Listen, there can only be ONE golf accessory under $20 that is the BEST. This isn’t a list of the best acccessorIES. This is just about one accessory, which is more like a necessity: the golf towel.
Choosing the best golf cart accessory could cause a bit of a debate between some die-hard fans of the game. Although we think that gloves and club brushes and even a cigar holder are essential things to have on or around your golf bag, there is one clear winner for us: again, it’s the golf towel.
Why Is The Golf Towel So Important?
A golf towel is more than just to wipe down your club from time to time; in fact, most players would instead use it to wipe their hands down. Throughout a round of golf, you will likely come into contact with water, sunscreen, food, maybe a beverage or two, and all of this will end up on your hands. Whatever is on your hands will then be transferred to the grips of your golf clubs. If you want to keep your grips in great shape, they need to stay clean.
In addition to keeping your grips in great shape, what about making sure your connection to the golf club is secure. You only hold a golf club in one spot; you better make sure this is a good connection. Any slip or turn of the hand, especially at impact, can result in some wayward shots that nobody wants to deal with.
Which Golf Towels Should I Consider?
There are golf towels available in many price ranges, but we will go through a few options that would be good to add to your golf bag. Also, don’t be stuck on the idea that you have to use a golf towel on your golf bag. If you look at some of the college or professional golfers, they have large towels that are probably from a hotel room somewhere along their route! Don’t be confined or restricted by the fact that you must use a cloth specifically for golf.
1. Mizuno Microfiber Cart Towel
We like the pricing, the material, and the coloring of the Mizuno Microfiber golf towel. It can be hard to keep a golf towel looking good for a long time because of dirt and fertilizer stains. This blue color should hold up quite well. There is a strap on this towel to help you secure it to your bag, it is made up of 100% polyester, and there is nothing about this towel that could do any damage to your golf clubs. Mizuno makes high-quality products, if you can’t afford a set of their blade irons as least treat yourself to a great towel.
2. Ogio Black Microfiber

Ogio does quite well when it comes to the golf accessories game. They make great accessories and golf bags as well. The Ogio Microfiber towel is a perfect color to hide and wash away dirt from your clubs and hands. This is a microfiber weave with a cloth strap handle. You will have no trouble getting the towel to stay on your golf bag, and the price is hard to beat on this towel
3. Callaway Players Towel

This option comes in right at the top of our $20.00 budget, but it is certainly worth considering. The Callaway Players Microfiber towel is 30×22 and has that same microfiber weave that makes cleaning clubs so much easier. There is a woven loop on this towel to help you attach it to your golf bag.
How to Take Care of a Golf Towel
How often do you wash your golf towel? You would be surprised how many people will say they don’t wash it; they just purchase a new one when that one gets kind of gross. This makes no sense to us at all. You should be bringing your golf towel in for a wash after every round or two. It’s small and easy to fit into the washer; there is just no reason not to clean this towel continually. Just throw it in with the rest of your clothes and you’re good to go.
How Not to Lose Your Golf Towel
Sure, it’s just $20. But ideally your golf towel SHOULD last you forever. The main reason that it won’t last forever? You losing it. We recommend finding towels that have a clip attached or at least a hole so that you can add your own clip to attach it to your golf bag.
You can also purchase a golf towel clip or just use any old carabiner clip laying around, assuming your towel has a hole in in somewhere. If you have to purchase one, you might as well go ahead and purchase a retractable golf club brush, which should come with a clip already (see the picture above).
If you find a towel that you love for your golf bag but you don’t have one of those metal clips to attach it, do not worry. Most golf bags have a loop of some kind that you can thread the actual towel through. Sometimes a handle will work, and others have designated towel loops. It’s ok to think outside the box when it comes to golf towels.
In the years past, the golf towel looked a bit more like a napkin than a towel. In the modern-day world of golf, players are starting to realize the value of clean, dry hands, golf balls, and club faces. The golf towel is your best tool for making sure this happens throughout your entire round.
heard good things about the club glove towels. curious if youve ran across these. thanks